Why Pascal?

Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) was a brilliant thinker who made groundbreaking discoveries in mathematics and physics, and became known as a great philosopher and theologian. His life and work, characterized by his deep reflections on the great questions of life, alongside his rigorous mathematical expositions, illustrate what a true study of the artes liberales can offer us. The name “Pascal” therefore perfectly encapsulates our mission.

Blaise Pascal
About Pascal Institute Leiden Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

We believe that a liberal arts education fosters profound thinking and wise judgment. Education should transcend the mere acquisition of technical knowledge to encompass developing the capacity for self-reflection and judiciousness. These skills allow a student’s  mind to reflect deeply on matters of personal, professional, and societal significance.

We assert that the most effective way to cultivate these skills is through immersive engagement with Great Books, texts that masterfully explore enduring questions of the True, the Good and the Beautiful. We therefore aim to be a close-knit community of committed students and exceptional teachers who collectively engage with these timeless texts in inspiring places all over the world.

Our People

Our professors at the Pascal Institute are affiliated with leading and renowned universities worldwide.

Our Timeline
Follow Our Journey

The Pascal Institute is founded at Rapenburg in Leiden.

Summer Symposium

The first Summer Symposium for PhD candidates and other young academics is held.

August 2022
First Course Launched

The 12-week seminar "The Classical Canon" begins with 15 students.

October 2022
Winter Symposium

The first Winter Symposium for PhD students and young academics is held in collaboration with the Harvard Institute for Constitutional Government in Boston, Massachusetts.

January 2023
Second Course and Studium Launched

The 12-week seminar "The Modern Canon" and "Studium at Rapenburg" commence.

February - May 2023
Scholarship Program

The first three Pascal Junior Scholars receive scholarships for PhD research.

May 2023
Five "Keys to the Greats" Courses Launched

Twelve week seminars in science, philosophy, literature, and classical languages.

September 2023
Friday Night Lectures

The first public Friday Night Lecture with a renowned speaker is given, followed by group discussion.

April 2024
Summer Intensive

A two-week intensive course in Vienna on philosophy and music is held for Masters students and PhD-candidates.

June - July 2024
Pascal Experiences

The first weekend trips for professionals are launched, focused on the study of Great Books in Rome, Florence, and Bordeaux.

Support Pascal

We invite you to join us in advancing our mission of exemplary Great Books education! By supporting our work, you help fund essential projects that have a meaningful impact on individuals and bring greater wisdom to society. Your support ensures that we can continue to provide resources, develop new initiatives, and extend our reach to a broader audience. Become a Friend of Pascal and be an integral part of a community that values the transformative power of Great Books education.

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Keys to the Greats Courses for Students
Join Our Friday Night Lecture
Paul van Geest | February 21, 2025

‘Restless is Our Heart’

In our upcoming lecture we will explore how the longing of the human heart for happiness informs the great political questions of war and peace. Is the desire for world peace simply a utopian fantasy, or does it reveal something profound about the human condition? Through the work of Augustine we will unravel what his ideas can teach us today.