Our Education

At the Pascal Institute, we are dedicated to delivering the finest liberal arts education aimed at cultivating profound thinking and wise judgment.

Keys to the Greats

Our Courses

Our Keys to the Greats courses immerse you in 3,000 years of wisdom, featuring transformative thinkers like Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Galileo, Shakespeare, Pascal, Newton, and many others.

Through interactive seminars and Socratic conversations, you will be challenged by these thinkers, whose works have masterfully expressed the Good, the True, and the Beautiful—or the pursuit of these ideals.

Pascal for Professionals

Our Programs

Whether you completed your studies recently or years ago, we believe personal and intellectual growth can and should be nurtured throughout your life and career.

In addition to our Keys to the Greats curriculum, we offer exclusive opportunities for professionals to continue their learning journey.

Friday Night Lectures at the Pascal Institute

Friday Night Lectures

Our Events

Throughout the year, we host several events featuring leading thinkers from around the world. These lectures cover a wide range of topics, including politics, art, science, theology, law, and more.

Reading the works of Plato, Erasmus, Shakespeare, and other seminal thinkers sharpens our thinking and provides valuable perspective on modern challenges, but we must also apply these ideas to today’s realities. The Friday Night Lectures serve this purpose, offering a platform for reflection on both pressing issues and timeless questions. Discussions are then led by Pascal faculty, students, and attendees.


Dedicated Study Space

In a world of distraction and diversion, it is crucial to have spaces where one can concentrate and develop the discipline necessary for deep study. The Pascal Institute provides such a space. 

Distinct from both home and library environments, the Studium enforces a strict no-talking policy, prohibits phone usage, and permits the use of computers only under certain conditions. This shared commitment to silence and purpose, creates an ideal atmosphere for disciplined study.

The Studium is accesible every weekday from 9:00 to 13:00 in the Pascal seminar room. The Studium is free for any student taking at least one of the courses in the Pascal Institute’s Great Books program. For individuals not currently enrolled, the Studium offers a monthly membership option. 

For further details, please contact our dean at: gerard.versluis@pascalinstitute.com


Application Process

In four steps you can easily file for application:

1. Complete your registration
2. Interested in a scholarship?
3. Application review timeline
4. Application outcome


Several foundations offer scholarships for students. One such foundation is Landmerk, which specifically supports liberal education based on the study of Great Books. For more information, please visit: landmerk.nl/beurzen. Scholarships are awarded by an independent selection committee.

Get in Touch

Our Office Hours are Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM CET.

Rapenburg 6
2311 EV Leiden

The Netherlands

Summer symposium

Winter and Summer Symposia

We are building a scholarly community of dedicated teachers and students commited to rigorous study of Great Books.

Since its inception in 2022, the Pascal Institute has provided the opportunity for American and European graduate students and professors to come together and build a transatlantic intellectual collaboration, grounded in the serious study of Great Books. The Summer Symposium is held in the Netherlands, and the Winter Symposium is held in the United States in partnership with the Harvard Program on Constitutional Government.

Participation is by invitation only.

Enrollment: Studium
Begin your application for a monthly subscription to the Studium. The monthly fee is €30,-.

Please send us an email to admissions@pascalinstitute.com with your request.

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Keys to the Greats Courses for Students
Join Our Friday Night Lecture
Paul van Geest | February 21, 2025

‘Restless is Our Heart’

In our upcoming lecture we will explore how the longing of the human heart for happiness informs the great political questions of war and peace. Is the desire for world peace simply a utopian fantasy, or does it reveal something profound about the human condition? Through the work of Augustine we will unravel what his ideas can teach us today.