Our people

Lukas van den Berge

Dr. Lukas van den Berge

Assistant professor legal theory and administrative law, Utrecht University

Prof. Dr. Andreas Kinneging

Prof. Dr. Andreas Kinneging

Professor legal philosophy, Leiden University

Prof. Dr. Bryan Garsten

Prof. Dr. Bryan Garsten

Professor Political Science and Humanities, Yale University

Dr. Robert Goldberg

Dr. Robert Goldberg

Tutor, St. John’s College

Prof. Dr. Arjo Klamer

Prof. Dr. Arjo Klamer

Professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Dr. Rita Koganzon

Dr. Rita Koganzon

Associate professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Prof. Dr. Egbert Koops

Prof. Dr. Egbert Koops

Professor legal history, Leiden University

Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Lehman

Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Lehman

Professor Philosophy & Theology, Augustine Institute

Dr. Hugh Liebert

Dr. Hugh Liebert

Associate professor of political science, United States Military Academy at West Point

Dr. Joseph Macfarland

Dr. Joseph Macfarland

Tutor, St. John’s College

Dr. Andrew Seeley

Dr. Andrew Seeley

President, Boethius Institute

Dr. Jordi Wiersma

Dr. Jordi Wiersma

President, Pascal Institute

Mr. Gerard Versluis

Mr. Gerard Versluis

Dean, Pascal Institute

Dr. Jordi Wiersma

Dr. Jordi Wiersma


Mr. Gerard Versluis

Mr. Gerard Versluis


Pascal Institute

Bram Bargeman


Pascal Institute

Suzanne van der Horst

Professionals Program and Projects

About Pascal Institute Leiden Our Philosophy

Renowned academics who provide advice to the Pascal Institute

  • Dr. Bas van Bommel, Universiteit Utrecht
  • Prof. dr. Ronna Burger, Tulane University
  • Prof. dr. Paul van Geest, Tilburg University
  • Dr. Robert Goldberg, St. John’s College
  • Dr. Zena Hitz, St. John’s College
  • Dr. Pano Kanelos, University of Austin
  • Prof. dr. Andreas Kinneging, Universiteit Leiden
  • Prof. dr. Egbert Koops, Universiteit Leiden
  • Prof. em. dr. Harvey Mansfield, Harvard University
  • Anna Mansfield, Program on Constitutional Government at Harvard
  • Dr. Jonathan Price, University of Oxford
Femke Heijmans

Femke Heijmans

Junior Scholar

Tom Kapr

Tom Kapr

Junior Scholar

Joep de Rijk

Joep de Rijk

Junior Scholar

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Keys to the Greats Courses for Students
Join Our Friday Night Lecture
Paul van Geest | February 21, 2025

‘Restless is Our Heart’

In our upcoming lecture we will explore how the longing of the human heart for happiness informs the great political questions of war and peace. Is the desire for world peace simply a utopian fantasy, or does it reveal something profound about the human condition? Through the work of Augustine we will unravel what his ideas can teach us today.